Congressman Akin, An American Hero
Congressman Akin’s
statement “the female body has ways to
try to shut the whole body down” has ironically been shown to be scientifically
accurate after all. This does not dismiss or condone his mis-articulation but
emphasizes Hans Selye’s non-judgmental “destresse” draw tight.
Scientists at Tufts
University have identified and detailed how stress hormones can “wreak havoc on
the uterus and fetus”. It seems a hormone Corticotropin-releasing hormone is
secreted in reaction to stress, triggering contractions.
Studies demonstrate CRH
hormone is produced in the placenta and uterus as well as other areas of the
body. Corticotropin releasing hormone specifically targets mast cells abundant
in the uterus. Under stress CRH is released causing mast cells in the uterus to
secrete substances that increases the probability of miscarriages.
These findings support the
fact that disease is more biopsychosocial than physical.
Traumatic stress of a
forcible rape could initiate spontaneous abortion as a homeostasis mechanism.
Stress is a French word, destresse, meaning to draw tight. The
father of stress, Hans Selye defines stress as “the non-specific response of
the body to any demand placed on it.”
Is a forcible rape stressful?
Dr. Ann Burgess has identified multiple components of Rape Trauma Syndrome (RTS)
which results from damage to brain circuitry. The syndrome affects the emotions, behavior, cognition and
family interrelationships. There are causal relationships between the stress of
rape and depression, dissociation, phobias and somatoform disorders.
I am not condoning the
congressman’s statements but find in his mis-articulations a bit of irony. Let
me be clear. Rape is reprehensible and
never legitimate. No woman who has been sexually assaulted would find comfort
in the Tufts findings.
The real issue here is not
about congressman Akin’s misstep in articulation. It’s all about politics.
Representative Akin became a straw
man for the Democrats.
Congressman Akin clarified
his position on abortion with these statements.
"As a member of Congress, I believe that working to protect
the most vulnerable in our society is one of my most important
responsibilities, and that includes protecting both the unborn and victims of
sexual assault. In reviewing my off-the-cuff remarks, it's clear that I
misspoke in this interview and it does not reflect the deep empathy I hold for
the thousands of women who are raped and abused every year. Those who
perpetrate these crimes are the lowest of the low in our society and their
victims will have no stronger advocate in the Senate to help ensure they have
the justice they deserve”.
Leftist hate response to Todd’s clarification was fast and
furious. Their hate comments exposed a fundamental truth about progressives
that we have known for some time. They are in bondage to absolutist ideologies
and agendas that are promoted with methods just short of tyranny. Their desire
is to politicize every aspect of life.
“. . . there is no less grave a danger that
the fundamental rights of the human
person will be denied and that the religious yearning which arise in the heart of every
human being will be absorbed once again into politics.” Veritatis Splendor
initial moral-ethical response of a righteous people was justified. However,
righteous people are forgiving people and the same virtues of being righteously
indignant would favor righteous forgiveness.
light was shed regarding the character of both Republicans and Democrats than
on the character of the Missouri congressman. As his misstatements were being “absorbed
into politics” the hypocrisy of the liberals were highlighted. Hypocrisy
because progressives have no value for a baby’s life.
abortions where a baby’s limbs are pulled apart or the lungs injected with
saline to suffocate the child with salt solution. If anyone desires to see the
horrific realities of an abortion, of which I decline due to the graphic
realities, simply go on-line. If seeing scissors inserted into a baby’s skull
and the baby’s brains sucked out doesn’t bother you I’m sorry for you. May God
help us.
Akin is vilified for his pro-life positions. However, consider the alternatives
that our progressive friends offer. Obama has voted infanticide to be
“legitimate”. He has said it is “legitimate” [in principle] to kill babies that
have been born after a botched abortion. Abortion is the ultimate expression of
the “female body shutting down the whole body”.
I’m writing this post asking
the question, where was support for congressman Akin? What ought to have happened
and the reality of what actually happened are a sad commentary on the Grand Old
Party. Quoting Wittaker Chambers ,”The great failing of American conservatives
is they do not retrieve their wounded”. The republicans were intimidated by “kratos”
[brutish] of the democrats. Demo = people; Crats (Krats) [ brutal sense] hence “democrats”.
the courage of his convictions, the honorable congressman Todd Akin is my hero.
He needs no defense as he has done nothing wrong. We do not punish a child for
spilling milk nor do we punish a representative for mis-articulating. I believe
representative Akin would be supremely qualified to be our president.
has been exposed by the GOP for failing to support the congressman. In trying
to unite the party they have divided the party. David (Psalm 133) states that
where there is unity, there the Lord commands a blessing. We sacrificed a
blessing by abandoning our own.
“If we divine a discrepancy
between a man’s words and his character, the whole impression of him becomes
broken and painful; he revolts the imagination by his lack of unity, and even
the good in him is hardly accepted”.
[Charles Horton Cooley]
Congressman Todd Akin has
given us his precise views of abortion. His views are consistent with a belief
life begins at conception. He is
pro-life and his record has been consistent with pro-life principles. The
response by Republican overlords to Todd’s mis-speak has been shameful.
Consider a meeting, 1994,
Orlando, Florida. One hundred forty professors of religion signed the document,
“Judgment Day at the White House: A Critical Declaration Exploring Moral
Issues and the Political Use and Abuse of Religion”.
Paragraph 4.
“We maintain that in general there is a
reasonable threshold of behavior beneath which our public leaders should not
fall, because the moral character of a people is more important than the tenure
of a particular political or the protection of a particular political agenda. “
seems the GOP had no remembrance of the Judgment Day Declaration.
representative Akin would be reasonable. It’s clear that politics, even with
Republicans, trump morality. Liberals have no problem gaining the presidency at
the expense of virtue as they are enslaved by ideology. Are Republicans
pursuing enslavement by agenda and moral passivity as well?
Introducing Sovereignty
second president, John Adams, made this profound statement, “It is religion and
morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely
stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue”.
are taught faith and temperance are virtues.
beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue: and to virtue
knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to
patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly
kindness love”. II Peter 1:5
a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and
vicious they have more need of masters.” [Benjamin Franklin]
“Sell not virtue to purchase
wealth, nor liberty to purchase power.” [Benjamin Franklin]
“It is hopeless to offer
Christianity as a vaguely idealistic aspiration of a simple and consoling kind;
it is, on the contrary, a hard, tough, exacting and complex doctrine, steeped
in a drastic and uncompromising realism.” [Sayers] Creed or Chaos? P.31
elitist Republican friends were not looking through the lens of virtue but a
political lens, ignoring conscience.
can they be sovereigns of the nation if they are not sovereigns of themselves”? [Michael Novak, The Causes of Virtue”, l994]
If Republican leaders lay
aside their respective consciences for political advantage they will lose all
advantage. Our consciences tell us that congressman Akin is a good man, of good
character and reputation, honorable and deserving of support.
wrote four centuries ago, the turbulent state of the world deprives us of our
judgment”. In such days there is inexpressible comfort in the sovereignty of
God. The world has not been abandoned to old and relentless hate, nor has it
been given over to the totalitarianism of man or devil. God’s counsel still
stands and He still does all His pleasure. It is still true, surely as I have
thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand”
(Isaiah 14:24) [John Murray on “The Sovereignty of God (Part II)].
Our nation is at a
crossroads. We are allowing politics to become our God. We are grabbing the
reigns of politics tighter and tighter when we need to loosen. The sphere of politics are in God’s sovereign
domain. He alone discharges by appointment. God alone directs and sustains all
institutions, events and happenings. He alone binds and loosens. He alone
establishes and tears down. He alone sets the boundaries.
Discarding representative
Akin for political expediency was immoral. It demonstrated a repudiation of
God’s sovereignty in the affairs of man. Are Republican overlords so arrogant
as to believe they can override the counsels of God? God honors genuineness. He
desires more than a verbal assent to His sovereignty.
Consider the sovereignty of
God in the 2008 election. Any number of issues should have kept Obama off the
ticket. Obama sat under the ministry of Jeremiah Wright who preached hate
against America for twenty years. It wasn’t until Obama took office that
Michelle Obama confessed to liking America.
Obama’s family history
indicated he and members of his family had a penchant for communism. Instinctively
we sensed something amiss with this man and were confident voters would reject
his leadership when vetted. I firmly believed Obama held to the tenets of a
totalitarian system as described by Karl Dietrich Bracher.
Ø Absolute
exclusive ideology.
Ø Legalized
terror justified by chiliastic promises
Ø Control
of the state and society by means of force
Ø Forming
of a “new man”.
Ø Negation
of further conflicts
Ø Suppression
of opposition in favor of ideo-political unity and technological efficiency.
Ø The
irrational equation of oligarchial leadership of the interests of the whole.
Ø Absolute
rule instead of leadership.
Ø Bureacratic
control of economic life by means of centralized government.
Ø Complete
control of the media and all relevant instruments of coercion.
However, the man was not
vetted and the more realization that Obama aspired to the above tenets the more
America seemed charmed and in awe. Smitten by what I call jawbone politics. Jawbones
can destroy nations. Obama, attractive, charismatic and if given a
teleprompter, a decent speaker; qualities that would lead people to ignore the
trite things such as world view, ideo-politcal thought, value of life, limits
of government and governing skills.
If God, in His sovereignty,
could move a nation to accept a socialist with totalitarian leanings, could He
not sovereignly guide a political party through a misarticulation?
“ . . . and He does according to His will in
the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay
His hand, or say to Him, What doeth thou?” Daniel 4:35.
On acknowledging the
sovereignty of God John Wesley wrote to Wilberforce,
God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the
opposition of men and devils. But if God be with you. who can be against you? Are all of them
together stronger than God? O be not weary in well-doing! Go on, in the name of God and in the power of
His might, till even American slavery shall vanish away”.
Congressman Todd Akin was right in not stepping down from his
campaign. I believe Todd to be a virtuous man with moral excellence. I am sorry
for the deluge of unwarranted hate mail Todd received; however, as far as
eternity judgments Todd is the winner.
Republicans are at a crossroads. Either we believe God is in the
affairs of man or man determines his own destiny. Either we are united and
receive God’s blessing or divided and receive his judgments. Either we accept
God’s sovereignty and proclaim as the apostle Paul, “I am sure of this . . .”
or we fight God’s counsels and struggle with political realities, patching,
blaming, accusing and trying to fix the irreparable.
Congressman Akin, in a moment of time, did not articulate
precisely what he felt but the Republican elites articulated precisely how they
felt and I’ve taken notice. Those I once respected have lost my respect. They
rejected kindness and gentleness and forgiveness in favor of self serving
political gain.
Thank you congressman Todd Akin for being my hero.
Ref: WebMD/how-stress-causes-miscarriage
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